1. All Saints desires to acknowledge those persons who have been memorialized in services at the Chapel and/or who has had a significant connection to All Saints by-the-Sea.
2. A Memorial Plaque Board for such acknowledgment is located to the left of the entrance door on the side wall.
3. Plaques affixed to the Board shall state the name of the person being memorialized and the years of birth and death. Persons so acknowledged shall be limited to past attendees of All Saints and their families.
4. A person desiring a plaque for a family member shall submit a written request (see application form) and check for payment to the Memorial Committee at The Church of All Saints by-the-Sea, P.O. Box 377, Southport, ME 04576-0377. They shall also provide pertinent information regarding the memorial service and/or connection to All Saints by-the-Sea as requested on the application form. The person shall also be invited to submit additional information about the person being memorialized limited to a maximum of 500 words. This information will be maintained in a binder which will be available in the chapel.
5. In order to maintain uniformity, the format of the plaques shall be approved by the Governing Committee and ordered by the Governing Committee. A fee per plaque shall be established by the Governing Committee to cover out-of-pocket expenses and shall be paid by the requesting person prior to ordering.
6. Any questions regarding the interpretation or administration of this Policy shall be resolved by the Governing Committee.
Memorial Plaque application form